High Performing Teams
Team effectiveness is a key driver of organisational success. It fosters innovation, improves problem-solving, and drives project execution, which are essential for growth and adaptability.
Benefits Of Team Coaching
The following are just some of the benefits of team coaching:
Building interpersonal relationships. Understanding and accepting each other.
Greater efficiency by understanding the strengths of each other.
Less waste due to clarity on roles and direction.
Less and more productive meetings through improved communication.
Staff retention and reduced absenteeism.
What We Do
We can access where your teams are on the performance curve and areas for potential growth and provide 1:1 and team coaching solutions that foster collaboration, productivity and team efficiencies.
Examples of our facilitated workshops:
Aligning around goals and values
Team charter. Agree ways of working
Retrospectives. What is working and what needs to change
Team strengths and opportunities
Feedback sessions
Conflict resolution
Promoting collaboration
Communication styles
Assessment tools:
360 feedback
DiSC profiles
Team interaction assessment
Leadership assessment